Monday, June 7, 2010

Jetjet Prayed

It was his first time to pray at the pulpit. Interesting because you can see in his eyes the willingness to do it but you can see it also that he's so nervous . The good thing with him is that he is a thinker. He was assigned to pray for the tithes and offering. Jetjet is a new member to the Band of Brothers. He just level up last April 2010. From the Lambs of God Department , to the BOB which is compose of single men from secondary, tertiary, and young professionals.
Jason Udang or Jetjet was cordially welcomed in the group. There is a potential on this young man in terms of leadership which can be enhanced through training and engaging in leadership training and exposure. He is brave enough to face whatever responsibilities that is assigned to him with the supervision of the leaders of the BOB. I am thankful and blessed that every young man who joined the BOB has eagerness and willingness to take the challenge as long as they know whom they are serving - GOD for it is a Christ centered group.

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