Monday, June 7, 2010

Wedding Ring

        It is a traditional way of saying that we are bonded with each other during the wedding ceremony. Time is fast approaching and can't stop it. My fiancee and I will face the big day of our lives. I had a dream that I shared with her. I dreamed about our wedding. It was really a great dream but the funny part of the dream was during the wearing of the wedding ring. When the minister asked me where is the rings, I realized that I forgot to bought it. It was a little bit funny at the same time a reminder for me to be mindful of the things needed specifically the ring. When i woke up, I told to my self that we really need to secure it first.We went to a jewelry shop and try to look for a design that would satisfy and fit in our fingers.
         Yes its true that we really need to invest on it since we are going to wear it for a lifetime. Finally we have found the design we want - simple yet elegant. A reminder of a dream is a ring which is for life. This is one of our accomplishments in our preparation for the wedding. Thank God that we have it already.

1 comment:

  1. That's one thing sure... dapat gi-una nimo na sir paul.

    Anyhow, I have my own commitment ring but it has no partner since my moment did not push through. Sad but true. Sorry if I can't witness your wedding due to some personal issues but wishing you all the best for both of you!


    mam joan...
